Hap Ki Do aids the bodily development and affects, during a continous and ambitious training, the mindset in a positive way.
Whole, all-embracing (root of the korean matrial arts) |
Mental and bodily energy, concentration, universal vital force |
Path direction (development of the student / path of learning, teaching method) |
» The path of harmony between body and mind «
The priciple of the circle
All motions are round. The Hap Ki Do-fighter moves like in the inside of a sphere. The forces from the outside are being deflected and neutralized on the surface of the "sphere". This way the greatest harmony and effectiveness can be achieved with a minimum of force.
The principle of fluentness
Like the river, which adapts fexibly to the landscape but develops a gigantic force if it is dammed, theHap Ki Do-fighter reacts sensitively to his enemy, to release his built-up 'Ki' in the critical moment.
The principle of interaction
Through the complete balance and highest concentration the Hap Ki Do-fighter tries to influence the enemy to control his attack. This way it is possible to start a reflex-like counter motion by a hardly noticable movement of the attacker, which can be used in a consequent technique
These three principles depend on each other and have to harmonize
The history of Hap Ki Do
The exact dat of origin of the Hap Ki Do-techniques is unknown. It is guessed that they are teached since 3000 years.
It is known that the techniques were created in the indo-chinese area. When the Bhuddism spread its teachings, the first Hap Ki Do-like self-defense techniques appeared. The Bhuddist monks, which lived in their solitude outside of human society, tried to live a holy life. They reached this goal by meditating in the great outdoors. They developed defense-techniques, that enabled them to defend themselves against humans and animals, during ther meditation. These early self-defense-moves were the foundation for the Hap Ki Do
The noble families, which could afford it, sent their children to monasteries, where they learned the art of self-defense. Also travelling monks gave private lessons to aristocratic children in return for accomodation and food. The art of Hap Ki Do passed on from generation to generation as a family-secret. Since there were to public schools, Hap Ki Do became generally known much later
The schools, that are still pretty rare today, set a high value on a solid moral basis and a high technical standart. A lot of Hap Ki Do-masters are, because of their great knowledge of the human body, naturopaths or acupuncturists.
The history of the Hap Ki Do-techniques dates back further than those of other self-defense methods. Because of this they are seen as the foundation of all other self-defense systems |